An Unexpected Artist

Although the story really starts with the jewelry Jessica wore for her wedding day, the real genesis of Divas Unlimited Jewelry Creations came during the Fantasy Football season of 2006.  Not wanting to spend four straight months of watching football on Sundays, Jessica and her friend decided they would do something creative while their significant others spent the day cheering on their fantasy teams. During two (long) fantasy football seasons, Jessica and her friend honed their beading skills and began to create some stunning jewelry.Divas Unlimited was created.

An Artist of All Trades

The name Divas Unlimited didn’t just “happen” in a moment of inspired genius (though I might claim it did on occasion). I am a classically trained singer and hold both my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Music Performance, with a focus on Opera. A true “Diva,” as it was. During undergrad, I spent some time learning multimedia and created the name Divas Unlimited for an educational CD-Rom I created for a class. The business name was created to not only state my personal demeanor, but also to speak to the potential in every woman. A Diva has Unlimited abilities and draws the attention of those around her in a positive way, and given the right attitude of compassion, love, and confidence, any woman can own the title. I hope that with my jewelry designs you can feel inspired to bring out your inner Diva (whether you sing opera or not) and discover how liberating it can be.


Finding Inspiration: Artist Statement

Whether it's the clothes in my closet or the paint on my walls, I am drawn to colors and materials that evoke the feeling of water and air. The jewelry I create is no exception, and it allows me to experiment with differentiation in hues and textures to evoke the feeling of movement and light found in nature. Since I was a small child, I have been obsessed with the water and, to me, there is nothing more wonderful than watching the waves roll-in. All at once you see sparkle, shine, and an opalescent foam that come through the translucent water. When creating jewelry, I am drawn to creating items with that same interplay of light, whether it be using the tiniest of seed beads, the finest of Swarovski crystals and pearls, or the earthy shine of polished stone and silver.